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Monday, November 7, 2011

‘American Idol’s’ William Hung Gets A New Police Gig

America’s favorite “American Idol” reject has found a new gig with the Los Angeles County Sherriff’s Department. After his Season 3 audition performance in 2004 of Ricky Martin’s “She Bangs,” William Hung became a viral hit and received a cult-like following, which led him to numerous talk show appearances, three albums, and his primetime television show debut on Fox’s “Arrested Development.” Now, Hung has made a career shift. According to TMZ, Hung is working for the LA County Sherriff’s Department as a Technical Crime Analyst, analyzing trends and patterns in crimes. This can help law enforcement deploy resources in a more effective manner, as well as playing a role in apprehending suspects, solving crimes, and formulating crime prevention strategies. A photo obtained by TMZ shows Hung teaching in front of a class last week at a training facility. Before auditioning for “Idol,” Hung was a student at UC Berkeley, studying civil engineering.

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